Updated  12/4/05
Telephone (415)928-9608



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If requested, a certificate of course completion will be issued to the student who has successfully completed 
a course or courses (i.e., a final exam score of 80% or higher & an attendance rate of 80% or higher). 
Requests can be addressed to sokogakuen@aol.com.

FALL 2003

Phone/SSN. ExamScore%, Attendance%
last 4 digits

 Final Exam Date:  Saturday, 12/6/03 

BC1SM (Instructor:  S. Nishimura)
6014/2503  98.5%    11/11(100%)
6367/8328  96.2%    11/11(100%)
2667/4271  95.7%    10/11(91%)
5891/3922  95.0%    11/11(100%)
1086/8823  92.2%      9/11(82%)
9111/6788  90.2%    10/11(92%)
9003/5976  88.9%      7/11(64%)
3028/5296  88.2%      9/11(82%)
1596/5170  85.5%    11/11(100%)
9804/9703  84.1%      8/11(73%)
3727/5549  77.8%    11/11(100%)
3473/6160  65.8%    11/11(100%)

B1SM (Instructor:  K. Sato)
1076/7637   99%  11/11(100%)
0607/1479   98%  11/11(100%)
8887/8111   95%    9/11(82%)
1188/2329   95%  11/11(100%)
1875/0289   99%  11/11(100%)
1412/1281 100%  11/11(100%)
8708/           94%  11/11(100%)
4249/1569   95%  11/11(100%)
4573/6188   98%  11/11(100%)
9156/9992   98%  11/11(100%)
9618/8992   98%    9/11(82%)
8705/9033   93%    9/11(82%)

B2SM (Instructor:  S. Halper)
9848            86.0%   10/11(91%)
3741/0792   97.3%   11/11(100%)
1924/3257   92.0%     9/11(82%)
8445/0072   78.4%   11/11(100%)
9607/6766   91.8%   11/11(100%)
6835/9420   90.9%     9/11(82%)
8445/6006   96.3%   11/11(100%)
2012/1003   89.4%     8/11(73%)
1929/0811   86.7%   10/11(91%)
0508/1436   96.0%   10/11(91%)
2631/6503   91.7%     9/11(82%)
1895/2751   98.7%   11/11(100%)
1895/6896   94.6%   11/11(100%)

B3SM (Instructor:  S. Fukuda)
1930/6610    82%    11/11 (100%)
9352/5945    97%    11/11 (100%)
3360/1234    68%    11/11 (100%)
6128/7861    85%    10/11 (91%)
6440/1580    88%    11/11 (100%)
2509/8436    81%    11/11 (100%)
4486/5152    98%      9/11 (82%)
2355/0641  100%    11/11 (100%)
7999/            84%      8/11 (73%)
7023/            77%    10/11 (91%)

B1SA (Instructor:  J. Omi)
 4621/0554   89.3%   10/11(91%)
 9081/2585   92.1%   10/11(91%)
 2347/0425   95.8%     8/11(73%)
 9534/6820   93.1%     9/11(82%)
 9114/7381   99.8%   10/11(91%)
 7705/9126   98.9%   10/11(91%)
 8248/0000   85.6%   10/11(91%)
 0456/5120   92.4%   10/11(91%)
 6924/9503   74.5%     8/11(73%)

BC2SA (Instructor: S. Kosaka)
 3814/1312    91%   10/11(91%)
 4670/6732  100%   11/11(100%)
 3429/6504    94%     8/11(73%)
 8896/4541    90%     9/11(82%)
 2012/1003    88%     8/11(73%)
 0508/1436    99%   10/11(91%)
 5267/4986    95%   10/11(91%)
 6569/2833    97%     9/11(82%)
 6949/4828    97%     8/11(73%)
 9722/4038    96%     9/11(82%)

I1SA (Instructor:  S. Halper)
0375/4029   84.3%   10/11(91%)
4749/9981   96.3%   11/11(100%)
1120/6674   89.0%   11/11(100%)
4060            97.2%   11/11(100%)
4870/1956   90.5%   11/11(100%)
6717/1234   97.3%   11/11(100%)
6717/5248   87.5%   11/11(100%)
7927/0995   86.8%   11/11(100%)
1760/8287   90.8%   10/11(91%)
7928/1552   94.5%   11/11(100%)
6433/4164   91.2%   11/11(100%)
8244/5207   77.0%     7/11(64%)

I2SA (Instructor:  Y. Otomi)
7720/4797 97%   11/11(100%)
4183/6146 94%     9/11(82%)
9670/2128 92%   11/11(100%)

I3SA (Instructor:  Y. Goji)
 2210/4636    85.0%   10/11(91%)
 0740/8476  100.0%   10/11(91%)
 0892/1468    86.7%     7/11(64%)
 2210/3381    92.2%     9/11(82%)
 1533/6086    93.2%   10/11(91%)

I4SA (Instructor:  S. Fukuda)
1788/3218                                          pt300 66% 9/27/03
7720/2173    98%    11/11 (100%)
9267/1263    88%    11/11 (100%)
1057/9263    83%      8/11 (73%)
2248/4649    78%    10/11 (91%)
6462/7424    80%      8/11 (73%)
1119/5924    91%    11/11 (100%)
0345/2923    76%    10/11(91%)

K3SA (Instructor:  A. Nagamatsu)
7305/6025 96%  11/11(100%)           pt300 80% 9/27/03
7664/2459 92%   8/11  ( 73%)
7252/5723 96%  11/11(100%)
4765/9267 96%  11/11(100%)

PCSA (Instructor:  K. Sato)
1637/                                                  pt300 83% 9/27/03
5298/5080  93%    9/11(82%)
9894/0276  94%  11/11(100%)
0003/4233  91%  10/11(91%)
2958/3175  93%  10/11(91%)

RCSA --canceled--

 Final Exam Date: Monday, 12/8/03

B1ME  (Instructor: A. Uchima)
1125/2402 86.1%11/11(100%)
5943/2338 90.3%11/11(100%)
1182/8411 97.7%11/11(100%)
3900/1110 83.5%11/11(100%)
8811/0083 84.1%  8/11( 73%)
4243/7731 95.5% 11/11(100%)
5745/7473 86.6% 10/11(91%)

B2ME  (Instructor:  S. Nishimura)
8147/9598                                              pt300 55% 9/29/03
7463/4002  100%     10/11(91%)
4281/6145    96%     11/11(100%)
1061/0000    96%     10/11(91%)
9635/3449    96%     10/11(91%)
9093/3456    96%     10/11(91%)
9635/3536    95%     10/11(91%)
3985/1357    92%       8/11(73%)
3534/5219    79%       8/11(73%)
8863/6000    55%       6/11(64%)

K1ME (Instructor: S. Kosaka)
 4814/0282  100%    11/11(100%)
 1099/9169    92%      9/11(82%)
 0109/4829    83%    10/11(91%)
 3095/0468    63%      7/11(64%)
 0345/2923    92%    10/11(91%)
 0511/4957    91%      9/11(82%)

I5ME (Instructor: J. Omi)
 9396/0123   79.5%     8/11(73%)
 9547/8248   65.4%     8/11(73%)
 7105/9271   75.4%   11/11(100%)
 9643/1659   82.0%   10/11(91%)
 0000/6240   99.5%   11/11(100%)
 3537/4254   80.9%   10/11(91%)           pt300 70% 9/27/03

I6ME  (Instructor:  S. Fukuda)
9445/0532                                               pt300 58%  7/7/03
2514/4111    87%    10/11 (91%)
0428/7676    85%    11/11 (100%)
0535/0550    66%    10/11 (91%)
0360/1357    84%      9/11 (82%)
6521/6502    91%    11/11 (100%)
9700/8568    73%      9/11 (82%)
4207/1786    84%      9/11 (82%)

PCME (Instructor:  Y. Goji)
 4476/3185                                              pt300 78% 9/30/03   w/disclaimer
 8369/5762                                              pt300 87% 9/29/03
 3281/8079  87.0%    9/11(82%)
 1628/3448  89.0%  10/11(91%)
 9041/7628  86.0%    7/11(64%)
 2906/1828  93.0%  11/11(100%)
 2554/3185  94.0%    8/11(73%)
 3796/3999  94.0%  10/11(91%)             pt300 92% 9/29/03

 Final Exam Date: Wednesday, 12/10/03 

B1WE (Instructor: H. Urayama)
  1459/4640  97.4%  11/11(100%)
  2344/5549  89.9%  11/11(100%)
  8024/3345  75.4%  10/11(91%)
  7550/1781  96.8%  11/11(100%)
  1409/4206  95.7%  10/11(91%)
  0986/5676  98.8%  10/11(91%)
  9242/1471  94.4%  10/11(91%)
  9242/4230  94.2%  10/11(91%)
  4287/1421  94.0%  10/11(91%)
  6014/2503  97.5%  11/11(100%)
  8746/6339  96.4%  10/11(91%)
  5955/2899  96.6%  10/11(91%)
  7385/2858  89.7%  10/11(91%)
  5385/2506  79.3%    6/11(55%)
  9733/8916  96.2%  11/11(100%)
  7831/0100  96.5%  11/11(100%)

B2WE (Instructor:  S. Nishimura)
4517/3184    97%       9/11(82%)
4006/3986    96%       9/11(82%)
3484/8184    93%     10/11(91%)
3484/9394    93%     11/11(100%)

B3WE (Instructor:  S. Fukuda)
1318/0000    92%    11/11 (100%)
0507/1483    87%      9/11 (82%)
6569/2833    95%      9/11 (82%)
4601/1098    88%      8/11 (73%)
1527/1234    93%    11/11 (100%)
1402/4989    89%    10/11 (91%)
6124/6061    94%    11/11 (100%)
1645/4485    95%      9/11 (82%)

I1WE (Instructor: J. Omi)
 2051/4461   93.5%  11/11(100%)
 6297/5534   93.3%  11/11(100%)
 5217/2674   94.0%    9/11(82%)
 0509/2111   97.5%    9/11(82%)
 9828/2726   86.4%    9/11(82%)
 0560/9278   91.2%    9/11(82%)
 0572/8801   95.8%    8/11(73%)
 4050/6774   92.8%  10/11(91%)

I2WE (Instructor:  Y. Otomi)
9242/8407 89%   8/11(73%)
1972/5002 95% 11/11(100%)
5780/5870 90% 10/11(91%)
1572/8939 94% 11/11(100%)
0320/5170 99% 11/11(100%)
1907/7718 98%   8/11(73%)
9329/6667 85% 11/11(100%)
5780/5914 96% 11/11(100%)

I3WE (Instructor:  Y. Goji)
 0515/7623   98.3%  10/11(91%)
 9153/7359   94.9%  10/11(91%)
 6550/9061 100.0%  11/11(100%)
 6892/6400   98.6%    9/11(82%)
 0031/7154   99.6%  11/11(100%)
 0898/1113 100.0%    9/11(82%)
 0540/8510   81.5%  10/11(91%)
 2011/9149   87.1%  10/11(91%)

I4WE (Instructor:  A. Nagamatsu)
8810/7946 91%   11/11 (100%)
6281/8792 80%   11/11 (100%)
6348/7018 93%   11/11 (100%)
8642/0471 89%     3/11 ( 27%)

Comments or suggestions to sokogakuen@aol.com.

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