Updated   24/4


Soko Gakuen
 Japanese Language School
1881 Pine Street
San Francisco,  CA 94109

Scholarship Recipients, Congratulations!
We are proud to acknowledge your achievements to date and assist you in your achievement of those to come.
Date Received    #
Student Name   ID# 6-term tuition remission /up to $1k, airfare to Japan
GPA         Note         Composition

01.  April 2003 - Chris  REED 2906/1828 6-term tuition remission 97%  1st Recipient
02.  May 2004 - Chris REED 2906/1828 RT ticket to Japan  plus 96%  2nd Recipient (2ndTime)
03.  May 2004 - Harlen CHEN 7720/2173 6-term tuition remission 99%  3rd Recipient
04.  May 2004 - Sally  JIA  1972/5002 6-term tuition remission 97%  4th Recipient
05.  May 2004 - Ramon MISLANG  7252/5723 RT ticket to Japan  plus 98%  5th Recipient
06.  July 2005 - Shelby PEAK  9881/0309 RT ticket to Japan  plus 99%  6th Recipient   we84%
07.  April 2009 - Katherine SMITH  4299/0367
99%  7th Recipient   we82%
08.  October 2010 - #007
Ling LI  3107/1207
6-term tuition remission 99%  8th Recipient   we96%
09.  May 2011 - #008
Nicholas HAMADA  011300
$1000 (3-sem tuition remission plus)
99%  9th Recipient    we90%
10.  January 2013 - #009
Allison KOONTZ 4538/0916 $1000 98% 10th Recipient  we88%
11.  March 2024 - #010
Joel WONG  070613
99% 11th Recipient    we81%

"A Commitment To Excellence"

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