Updated 4/3/09

Telephone  415-928-9608



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If requested, a certificate of course completion will be issued to the student who has successfully completed 
a course or courses (i.e., a final exam score of 80% or higher & an attendance rate of 80% or higher). 
Requests can be addressed to sokogakuen@aol.com.


Phone/SSN. ExamScore%, Attendance(%)
last 4 digits

 Final Exam Date:   Saturday, 3/14/09 

BCSM (Instructor:  S. Nishida)                        
2455/8380 98.9%     8/11(73%)
9387/2697 95.5%   10/11(91%)
2704/----    88.9%     6/11(55%)
2184/----    94.1%   10/11(91%)
4139/0319 96.6%   10/11(91%)
6478/2402 96.9%   11/11(100%)
7994/8018 80.0%   10/11(91%)

B1SM  (Instructor:  S. Hoke)  
6209/0414   99.1 %  10/11(91%)
0827/4363   98.6%   11/11(100%)
7822/6412   99.6%   11/11(100%)
3051/1058   79.1 %  10/11(91%)
9807/4559   94.3%   11/11(100%)
5340/8782   99.8 %  11/11(100%)
7238/3863   99.1%   10/11(91%)
7238/3874   100%    10/11(91%)
7482/3153   98.6 %  10/11(91%)
7478/8155   99.1 %  10/11(91%)

B2SM (Instructor:  S. Halper)
4937/9010   92.7 %     11/11 (100 %)
7191/1648   97.4 %       9/11  (82 %)
9174/3766   98.6 %     10/11  (91 %)
8844/----      97.5 %     11/11 (100 %)
7767/----      75.8 %     10/11 (91 %)  
9222/0796   98.1 %     11/11 (100 %)
7692/0201   96.6 %     11/11 (100 %)
5362/----      87.4 %     10/11 (91 %)
5168/1686   99.0 %     10/11 (91 %)
0484/5390   98.3 %       8/11  (73 %)
7623/3033   98.9 %     11/11 (100 %)
8177/2494   99.3 %     10/11 (91 %)
4410/7141   96.1 %       9/11 (82 %

B3SM (Instructor:  R. Kondo)
3972/7920    96.6%       11/11(100%)
3972/7141    91.5%       10/11(91%)
1099/7773    96.9%       11/11(100%)
8692/2214  100.0%       10/11(91%)
6411/5234  100.0%       10/11(91%)
4543/4080    81.0%       10/11(91%)
9923/3601    94.6%         9/11(82%)
6593/8967  100.0%       11/11(100%)
6593/7577    99.2%       11/11(100%)
6441/----       95.9%       10/11(91%)
3348/7870  100.0%       10/11(91%)

B1SA (Instructor:  S. Hoke)  
2455/8380   100%   11/11(100%)
7889/----      95.0%   9/11(82%)
8610/0086   98.4%   11/11(100%)
6556/4768   95.1%   11/11(100%)
4009/8364   100%    11/11(100%)
2915/2421   99.8%   11/11(100%)
0106/0229   98.1 %  11/11(100%)
4427/6727   95.5%   10/11(91%)
3964/3286   91.1%   11/11(100%)
4139/0319   99.0 %  11/11(100%)
4813/6268   95.5%   11/11(100%)
5894/0235   99.8%   10/11(91%)
6478/2402   99.0%   11/11(100%)

ICSA (Instructor:  S. Kosaka)
8251/                        pt300 75% 1/10/09
2662/6015    96.1%      6/11(55%)
8475/6733    95.4%    11/11(100%)
1902/7713    96.1%    10/11(91%)
4046/2127    95.4%      9/11(82%)
0484/5390    99.3%      9/11(82%)
8177/2494    96.8%    11/11(100%)
9442/7711    91.4%    11/11(100%)
7375/5940    97.1%    11/11(100%)
8349/6005    92.1%      9/11(82%)

I1SA (Instructor:  T. Sakudo)
1102/6461    85.7%    11/11(100%)
9350/1697    88.1%    10/11(91%)
0171/6366    96.0%    11/11(100%)   
0045/8462    96.6%    11/11(100%)  
8080/4271    95.7%    10/11(91%)

I2SA (Instructor:  M. Ota)
3020/----     61.0%  11/11(100%)
7006/5765  97.8%  11/11(100%)
4401/9996  97.7%  11/11(100%)
0121/0121  71.2%  11/11(100%)
2577/5653  81.0%  10/11(91%)
8329/8909  73.8%  10/11(91%)
2596/5096  77.2%    8/11(73%)
8086/3399  88.8%  10/11(91%)

I3SA  (Instructor:  S. Nishida)
9081/3294 94.3%   11/11(100%)
6463/5275 91.4%   11/11(100%)
2837/5175 91.9%   10/11(91%)
1331/4962 98.6%   11/11(100%)
7568/3079 97.7%   10/11(91%)
3420/2800 88.6%   11/11(100%)
4299/0367 93.1%     9/11(82%)

I5SA   (Instructor:  R. Kondo)
9398/0640                                           pt300 47% 1/10/09
2042/----      90.8%    10/11(91%)
7767/0477   98.8%    11/11(100%)

K3SA  --canceled--

PCSA (Instructor:  K. Sato)
0006/0420                          pt300 92% 1/10/09
5068/3672                          pt300 77% 1/10/09

0681/7884  62.0%  10/11(91%)
0509/7839  88.6%  10/11(91%)
5068/3672  79.6%    8/11(73%)
1119/5779  48.2%  11/11(100%)

RCSA (Instructor:  M. Seida)
6124/6061 86.0%  11/11 (100%)
8919/6510 92.6%  11/11 (100%)


 Final Exam Date: Monday, 3/16/09 

B1ME (Instructor:  S. Nishida)
9050/9050 99.0%   11/11(100%)
9269/1758 99.0%   11/11(100%)
0223/2735 89.4%     9/11(82%)
5090/0996 97.0%   11/11(100%)
8798/5411 94.6%   10/11(91%)
8459/7810 89.6%   11/11(100%)

B2ME   (Instructor:  M. Ota)
9229/----     97.3%    9/11(82%)
6567/1882  90.8%  10/11(91%)
2402/8761  98.9%  11/11(100%)
9093/1711  94.7%  10/11(91%)
8146/8773  96.5%    7/11(64%)
7570/6778  96.2%    9/11(82%)

K1ME  (Instructor:  Y. Kurioka)
  70%  8/11(73%)
  98%  8/11(73%)

K2ME  (Instructor: K. Aoki)
1651/5535                      pt300 75% 1/12/09
7566/0816                      pt300 73% 1/12/09

2653/1627 91.9%   10/11(91%)

7567/5177 88.8%   11/11(100%)
1281/6262 95.5%   11/11(100%)
1651/5535 85.6%   10/11(91%)


I6ME (Instructor:  T. Sakudo)
8214/1150                                                   pt300 75% 1/12/09
9905/3215    77.1%      9/11(82%)         
1142/1943    81.2%    10/11(91%)           
  pt300 65% 1/12/09
1059/1234    91.3%    10/11(91%)

4262/0137    67%       10/11(91%)

3431/4652    75.5%    10/11(91%)

PCME (Instructor:  M. Seida)
0676/4824 92.0%  10/11(91%)
1630/3125 88.3%  11/11(100%)
4793/1693 79.9%  10/11(91%)

6220/6189 86.6%  10/11(91%)

 Final Exam Date: Wednesday, 3/18/09

B1WE  (Instructor: Y. Uda)
9262/3310 92.6%   10/11 (91%)
1275/0830 96.2%   10/11 (91%)
4424/1032 90.2%     9/11 (82%)
7928/0374 95.9%   11/11 (100%)
7736/7618 86.3%   11/11 (100%)
9751/7369 91.0%   11/11 (100%)
2915/4179 95.2%   10/11 (91%)
7943/4067 98.8%   11/11 (100%)
2713/----    97.0%     9/11 (82%)
9126/----    97.6%     8/11 (73%)

B2WE   (Instructor: K. Aoki)
7435/3157 90.4% 10/11(91%)
2147/9728 90.5% 10/11(91%)
1561/5259 76.0% 10/11(91%)
0266/----    96.0% 11/11(100%)
8475/6733 92.2% 10/11(91%)
8902/7464 91.8%   9/11(82%)
0620/2361 95.0% 10/11(91%)
8073/7797 86.2% 10/11(91%)
1902/7713 93.9% 10/11(91%)
7555/0059 83.6% 11/11(100%)

B3WE  (Instructor:  T. Sakudo)
5515/2691    100%     11/11(100%)
5421/9670    100%       9/11(82%)
1595/4580    83.6%    11/11(100%)
0754/7494    88.6%    10/11(91%)
1007/6626    94.6%    11/11(100%)

I1WE (Instructor:  S. Halper)
1598/1431   95.8 %   10/11 (91 %)
3411/1538   94.5 %     9/11 (82 %)
7912/8008   95.2 %   11/11 (100 %)
4856/3338   97.3 %     9/11 (82 %)
9184/6848   93.3 %   11/11 (100 %)
4746/4911   91.0 %     8/11 (73 %)
2511/8629   96.3 %     9/11 (82 %)
2417/9051   94.2 %     7/11 (64 %)

I2WE (Instructor:  N. Nakashima)
1779/5162    79.3%    11/11(100%)
6546/1768    97.2%    11/11(100%)
1591/3672    91.1%    10/11(91%)
1955/4525    84.7%    10/11(91%)
1889/1688    93.6%    11/11(100%)
9889/0910    94.8%    10/11(91%)
6545/7379    95.6%    11/11(100%)
0552/6480    91.6%    11/11(100%)
6838/6278    94.4%    11/11(100%)

I3WE(Instructor:  S. Nishida)
2367/0519 84.3% 11/11(100%)
0549/8951 96.4%   9/11(82%)
2185/2185 91.5% 10/11(91%)
0973/8242 88.5% 11/11(100%)
2670/2670 90.5%   7/11(64%)
9209/7217 95.4%   9/11(82%)
5244/1299 95.4% 11/11(100%)
5143/4129 87.9% 11/11(100%)
4384/6982 93.8% 10/11(82%)
7439/9106 82.9% 11/11(100%)
8853/3292 75.3% 11/11(100%)

I4WE  (Instructor:  M. Seida)
0401/2567 90.8%  11/11(100%)
1840/----    92.9%  11/11(100%)
6381/2692 96.6%    9/11 (82%)
7129/9218 89.1%  11/11(100%)

8544/0675 83.4%    9/11 (82%)
8828/9882 85.8%    9/11 (82%)
9672/----    72.4%    9/11 (82%)

1.   ----   (dashes)   Cells could not be filled because data were not obtained or were not reported.
2.           (blank cells)   Data were not applicable (N/A).

satori Comments or suggestions to sokogakuen@aol.com.

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