Updated 21/12/17
Telephone 415-928-9608




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If requested, a certificate of course completion will be issued to the student who has successfully completed 
a course or courses (i.e., a final exam score of 80% or higher & an attendance rate of 80% or higher). 
Requests can be addressed to sokogakuen@gamil.com.

FALL 2021

ID Phone/DOB    ExamScore%,  Attendance(%)
last 4 digits  mmdd

 Final Exam Date:   Saturday, 12/11/21
BCSM   (Instructor:  S. Halper)
7485/1219   97.25%   10/11 (91%)
3508/0707   92.25%     9/11 (82%)
2552/0427   97.25%   11/11 (100%)
7974/0308   99.50%     9/11 (82%)
5985/0419   93.00%   11/11 (100%)

B1SM   (Instructor:  Y. Uda)
0912/1119  99.5%   11/11 (100%)
5944/0929  95.8%   10/11 (91%)
4421/0912  76.6%   11/11 (100%)
2709/0406  62.8%   11/11 (100%)
7592/1002  89.6%   11/11 (100%)
9357/0519  98.2%   11/11 (100%)
9017/0811  89.2%   11/11 (100%)
3951/1209  99.2%   11/11 (100%)
9263/0205  96.9%   11/11 (100%)

B2SM  --canceled--

B3SM (Instructor:  H. Rustigan)
5935/0414   93.0%     10/11 (91%)      
4243/0914   85.8%     10/11 (91%)
5063/0124   99.8%     11/11 (100%)
4988/0903   96.4%     11/11 (100%)
6111/1013    93.4%     11/11 (100%)

B1SA  (Instructor:  T. Sakudo)
2695/0127    94.0%     9/11(82%)
5915/1001    94.4%   11/11(100%)
7580/1021    97.0%   11/11(100%)
6434/1125   100.0%     9/11(82%)  
7175/0523    96.9%   11/11(100%)

ICSA  (Instructor:  R. Kondo)
5324/0108     79.4%     11/11 (100%)
6111/1013     93.0%     11/11 (100%)
2202/0128     92.8%     10/11  (91%)

I1SA   --canceled--

I2SA  (Instructor:  M. Ota)
8143/0405  91%     9/11(82%)
5415/0414  92%   10/11(91%)
9229/0110  89%   10/11(91%)
2668/0401  98%   11/11(100%)

I3SA    --canceled--

I5SA   --canceled--

JLPTn3&k SA   --canceled--

PCSA   --canceled--   

JLPTn2 SA    --canceled--   

 Final Exam Date:   Monday, 12/13/21 
B1ME   (Instructor: Y. Komori)
3139/0415   95%   9/11 (82%)
8677/0808   99% 11/11 (100%)
2568/0918 100% 11/11 (100%

B2ME   (Instructor:  M. Ota)
2406/1102    92%    10/11 (91%)
9452/0514    97%    10/11 (91%)
2805/0411    92%      9/11 (82%)
9698/0316  100%    10/11 (91%)
3629/1116    96%      8/11 (73%)
7216/0506    90%      9/11 (82%)

JLPTn5&k ME    --canceled--

JPLTn4&k ME     --canceled--

I5ME     --canceled--

I6ME    --canceled--   

PCME     --canceled--   

  Final Exam Date: Wednesday, 12/15/21
B1WE  (Instructor:  T. Sakudo)
7561/0715   93.9%   11/11(100%)
2010/0817   99.7%     9/11(82%)
8277/1130   95.8%     8/11(73%)
4272/1102   94.0%     8/11(73%)
7816/0412   95.0%   10/11(91%)
3677/0907   86.9%   11/11(100%)
8723/0721   87.5%   10/11(91%)
9620/1116   94.9%   11/11(00%)
3924/0517   95.9%    9/11(82%)
7734/1105   93.8%  10/11(91%)

B2WE   --canceled--  

B3WE      --canceled--   


I1WE  (Instructor:  H. Rustigan)
9639/0320   92.5%   11/11(100%)
7556/0815   97.5%   11/11(100%)
6345/0223   95.1%   10/11(91%)
2247/0503   89.0%   11/11(100%)
5750/1201   89.3%   10/11(91%)
3838/6412   89.6%     9/11(82%)
7835/0913   87.1%   10/11(91%)
3032/0423   75.7%   11/11(100%)

I2WE     --canceled--

I3WE     --canceled--

I4WE     --canceled--   

1.   (blank cells)    Data were not applicable (N/A), or have not been reported.

2.   The above grades and attendance were issued to the students who have successfully completed  a course or courses, i.e., a final exam score of 80% or higher and an attendance rate of 80% or higher.

お願い To our dear students and ex-students:
Soko Gakuen teachers make a monthly stipend that covers just their needs.  Over the last 30 years, we have made conscious efforts to keep our tuition below comparable market rates based on Buddhist principles.  Over a decade later, it's the only top-three language school run by a nonprofit organization, and a community of passionate volunteer-minded workers.  We ask for a small donation of  $10, $25, $50, (or more if you can).  Your donation will only be used to cover teachers' bonuses (restricted contribution).  Our school has served over a thousand people learning Japanese every year, but we run on a fraction of what other schools spend.  Please, if you can, help us support our school by giving a little more money to our teachers. Our teachers will really appreciate it. Thank you.
   Your generous CHECKS, PAYABLE TO  Soko Gakuen, 1881 Pine Street, San Francisco, CA 94109.


symbol.gif  Mission Statement
Take a close look at the sites: Craigslist, Jim Breen, Soko Gakuen, etc. What do they share in common? You'd think you'd stepped into a time machine that has shot you back to the Web's pre-commercial days? Mosaic, NCSA, Marc Andreessen? There are no fancy graphics. No flashy animation. No banner ads. There's hardly even color. It has all the appeal of an elementary school mimeograph. And that's by design.  Stay true to its original "populist values” that draw people together.  Online communities change over time. Simple and fast is good, Craig Newmark agrees, because it makes the site easy to use. This practice will help people make life easy. And provide a culture of trust, one that's very useful and very effective. "Ostentation and ornamentation are disdained as vulgar, and simplicity and understatement considered as signs of sophistication (Zen)." Think why people use Twitter?   Prajna.  円融三諦

Comments or suggestions to sokogakuen@gmail.com.

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