updated  24/6


Telephone 415-928-9608


If requested, a certificate of course completion will be issued to the student who has successfully completed 
a course or courses (i.e., a final exam score of 80% or higher & an attendance rate of 80% or higher). 
Requests can be addressed to sokogakuen@gmail.com.


ID Phone/DOB   ExamScore%,  Attendance(%)
last 4 digits  mmdd

   Final Exam Date:   Saturday, 6/8/24 

BCSM    Instructor: Y.Kosaka
2642/0317  100%    11/11 (100%)
6477/0502  100%    11/11 (100%)
6496/0122    88%    10/11 (91%)
8504/0424    94%      9/11 (82%)

B1SM     Instructor:  Y.Uda
6833/1211  94.1%   11/11 (100%)
1989/0822  90.4%   11/11 (100%)
0971/0729  88.3%     5/11 (46%)
5102/1228  99.2%   10/11 (91%)
3004/0605  85.1%   11/11 (100%)
0255/0430  99.4%   10/11 (91%)

B2SM     Instructor:  S.Halper
7974/0908   97.7%   11/11 (100%)
7975/0811   89.8%   10/11 (91%)
2518/1028   94.5%   10/11 (91%)

B3SM   Instructor: H.Rustigan

9781/0216  95.4%     8/11 (73%)   
6441/1106  94.9%   11/11 (100%)   
8498/1004  94.4%   10/11 (91%) 
5890/1129  88.5%   10/11 (91%) 
2350/0603  94.7%     8/11 (73%)  
6516/1015  85.1%     9/11 (82%) 
1901/0329  87.7%   10/11 ( 91%) 

B1SA   --canceled--

ICSA    Instructor: Y.Higashino
3916/0305   93%  11/11 (100%)
0696/0309   99%  10/11 (91%)

I1SA    Instructor:  S.Halper
2950/1003   93.3%   11/11 (100%)
9785/0202   92.5%   10/11 (91%)
0214/0617   95.2%   11/11 (100%)
1778/0208   93.7%   10/11 (91%)
0411/0831   93.0%   11/11 (100%)

I2SA   Instructor: M.Ota
2112/1221  93.3%    10/11 (91%)
7472/0817  99.2%     7/11 (64%)
7358/0721  95.2%     7/11 (64%)
4668/0417  83.0%     8/11 (73%)
6600/0102  86.0%     8/11 (73%)
8345/0819  93.7%     9/11 (82%)

I3SA    Instructor: Y.Kosaka
8229/0105  90.5%    9/11 (82%)
0831/0811  87.6%    7/11 (64%)
3363/1024  93.9%  10/11 (91%)
3187/0407  84.8%    9/11 (82%)
2108/0402  97.2%  10/11 (91%)
9921/0120  90.4%    9/11 (82%)

I4SA   Instructor: H.Rustigan  
8860/0602  83.1%   10/11 (91%)   
9698/0917  95.9%   10/11 (91%) 
7485/1219  94.9%   11/11 (100%) 
5143/0817  90.8%   11/11 (100%)  
0711/0514  91.7%     8/11 (73%)

JLPTn3&k Pre-adv SA    Instructor: R.Kondo
7580/1021  100%    10/11(91%)
5063/0124    95%    11/11(100%)
7556/0815    98%      9/11(82%)
9749/0723    96%    11/11(100%)
4211/0421    97%      5/11 (45%)
5139/1226  100%      9/11(82%)
3938/0826    93%      6/11(55%)
8677/0808    87%      8/11(73%)
1353/0421    86%      5/11(45%)
7961/1201    89%      8/11(73%)

PCSA   --canceled--

Reading For Comp  SA    Instructor:  Y.Komori
8462/0929  87%   7/11(64%)
1462/0312  83%   8/11(73%)
7900/1007  80%   9/11(82%)
5878/0416  69%   5/11(45%)

   Final Exam Date:  Monday, 6/10/24

B1ME     --canceled--

B2ME    Instructor: M.Ota
3266/0417  84.2%     9/11 (82%)
6052/0708  83.9%     8/11 (73%)
1438/0704  97.9%   11/11 (100%)
1280/0506  97.2%     9/11 (82%)
3697/1109  81.7%     9/11 (82%)
5170/0422  99.5%   11/11 (100%)
3411/1230  99.0%   10/11 (91%)
8183/0322  90.2%   10/11 (91%)
9702/0410  89.0%   11/11 (100%)
0858/0102  93.7%     9/11 (82%)

B3ME   Instructor: H.Rustigan
3038/1008   92.9%   10/11 (91%)  
4632/0589   87.7%     9/11 (82%) 
8857/0717   84.7%   10/11 (91%) 
2396/1226   85.9%   10/11 (91%) 
0050/0816   54.7%     7/11 (64%) 
8771/0716   94.2%     8/11 (73%) 
0296/1124   85.2%   10/11 (91%)  
4043/0714   93.9%     8/11 (73%)

I3ME   Instructor: A.Kazama
1938/0224   86.1% 10/11(91%)
0318/0526   82.9% 11/11(100%)
4101/0827   91.6%   8/11(73%)
9305/0905   91.0%   9/11(82%)
3837/1126   80.2%   9/11(82%)
2247/0503   77.6% 11/11(100%) 


   Final Exam Date: Wednesday, 6/12/24

B1WE    Instructor:  H.Rustigan
1909/1015  98.6%   11/11 (100%)
8826/0526  98.5%   11/11 (100%)
6802/0306  97.3%   10/11 (91%)
8299/0912  96.5%   10/11 (91%)

B2WE    Instructor:  M.Ota
8886/0422  94.8%   11/11 (100%)
0524/0209  99.5%   10/11 (91%)
6061/0709  80.0%     8/11 (73%)
6206/0228  85.3%     9/11 (82%) 
8107/1012  96.3%   11/11 (100%)
7746/0404  95.2%   10/11 (91%)
1026/0830  78.4%     9/11 (82%)
5559/0818  77.5%     8/11 (73%) 
6769/1121  92.0%    11/11 (100%) 
3382/0814  95.8%    11/11 (100%)
8750/0408  93.7%    10/11 (91%) 
2922/0831  99.2%    11/11 (100%) 
8326/0321  99.8%    11/11 (100%) 
2009/0713  71.6%    10/11 (91%)

I1WE   Instructor: A.Kazama 
9580/0327   99.4%   10/11(91%)
7860/1012   98.0%     9/11(82%)
3951/1209   99.3%     8/11(73%)
6873/1106   96.3%     8/11(73%)
7845/0315   92.7%   11/11(100%)
0726/0310   93.8%   10/11(92%)
7448/0713   96.2%   11/11(100%)
9017/0811   96.0%     9/11(82%)
7564/0522   97.0%   10/11(91%)

I2WE   --canceled--

1.   The above grades and attendance were issued to the students who have successfully completed a course or courses, i.e., a final exam score of 80% or higher and an attendance rate of 80% or higher.

------    Cells could not be filled because data were not obtained or were not reported
  (blank cells)    Data have not been reported or were not applicable.

Comments or suggestions to sokogakuen@gmail.com.     少欲知足 symbol.gifMission Statement

Take a close look at the sites: Craigslist, Soko Gakuen, etc. What do they share in common? You'd think you'd stepped into a time machine that has shot you back to the Web's pre-commercial days? Mosaic, NCSA, Marc Andreessen? There are no fancy graphics. No flashy animation. No banner ads. There's hardly even color. It has all the appeal of an elementary school mimeograph. And that's by design. Stay true to its original "populist values” that draw people together. Online communities change over time. Simple and fast is good, Craig Newmark agrees, because it makes the site easy to use. This practice will help people make life easy. And provide a culture of trust, one that's very useful and very effective. "Ostentation and ornamentation are disdained as vulgar, and simplicity and understatement considered as signs of sophistication (Zen)." Think why people use Twitter? Prajna.


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